Benefits of

Opening Your Own Store

And selling on Gilded Forge

Product Approval

No product approval

Set Your Price

Set the value of your work and change anytime

Global Delivery

Instant and global delivery

No Lock-in

Sell where you want, how you want no exclusivity


Latest stats to see your sales and grow your store

Pricing & Fees

Simple and Transparent

Straight-forward pricing and fees that benefit creators

$ 0
Listing Fee

No extra fee to list

$ 0
No Hidden Charges

Set your own pricing

0 %

Earn up to 80% of the sale

Share Your Creations

Getting Started

How to upload your first product:

Register with your email

Add your first product

Upload product pictures

Write a description

Upload digital asset

Set Your Price

Frequently Asked Questions

Find an answer to your Question

Q) How can I add new products?

After you have registered as a Creator on Gilded Forge, login and go to your Store Manager dashboard and click on Add New Product.

Q) What types of digital assets can I upload?

Gilded Forge accepts all types of digital assets. Popular categories include sounds, music, fonts, images, and 3D models. If your digital asset doesn't fit these categories, list it under Other.

Q) How do I get paid?

After a sale, withdraw funds using PayPal or Stripe Connect.

Q) I have a specific question, how do I contact Gilded Forge?

Creators have access to creator help documentation. Otherwise, if you have specific questions, feel free to contact us.

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